“Controlling the breath is a prerequisite to controlling the mind and the body.” – Swami Rama
Some questions to consider before we meet:
When do you feel at ease?
In what ways do you feel out of balance?
How does your breath respond when you feel at ease?
How does your breath respond when you feel "off?"
Email to inquire about
specific pricing.

Practice ancient yogic breathwork (pranayama) to increase energy, reduce stress, improve mental focus, calm the mind, and more.
Practice vagal toning exercises to induce relaxation by activating the parasympathetic nervous system response.
Sessions are personalized to meet your needs. For some, the goal may be to experience less stress, more calm. For others, the goal may be to feel more energized and alive, or a combination. Sessions may include a small amount of gentle movement to prepare the body to relax comfortably during guided breathwork, visualization, and relaxation.
We will use breath work, vagal toning, and guided meditation to shift your state of being!
Reiki energy healing included, per your choice.